Paying or Saving for Holiday Deals!

As the holiday season becomes busy, consumers also get busy. We  look through the newspapers and the  internet for deals, gifts, coupons, and such offers that we can use  for our holiday purchases. While this is perfectly OK, and in fact, you will likely get a better deal this season than earlier in the year, it’s also good to note that – more people rack up huge debt during this last two months of the year than the previous ten. What an irony.

During this holiday ‘deals’ season,  if you let the sale promotions and reduced prices persuade you into buying something that you do not need, you are on the losing end of the game.

To fully take advantage of the holiday promotions, price reduction and deals you need to keep these things in mind.

  • Know what you need and want with or without a sale promotion – if you do not know you will just be following the crowd.
  • Put these items on your budget – hopefully you have been saving up for these holiday deals
  • Stick to your budget or the spending plan, and avoid being side tracked by price reductions especially for major purchases.
  • Control the urge to buy what you do not need just because it is on sale.
  • Pay cash for all your purchases and avoid getting in debt during this season

You will be better by far when the holidays are over and lights are off the streets, if you can get what you need and pay for it cash.

Are you planning for a major purchase this season?

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