Taking A Household Financial Inventory

We trust that you had a joyous Christmas holiday with family and friends – or however you spent the holiday. This has been a busy year for most people especially in financial blogspere. Here at kick debt off, we have been on down low – on the blogsphere but pretty busy at home. We were blessed with a newborn this year and he has been such a joy. I have therefore been taking some time to cherish these joyous moments with him and haven’t caught up with my writing.
As we approach the close of the year, it is time to take inventory, and see if the ‘plan of our finances have paid off. Esther and I will be spending sometime before the close of the year to look at the state of our finances. Questions we will be addressing will be:

  • Did we reduce our debt as we expected?
  • Did we pile more loads of debt this year?
  • What strategy worked well to pay off the debts that we paid this year?
  • What financial mistakes did we make this year?
  • What financial lessons did we learn this year?
  • If we are not satisfied with the progress we made this year what will we do different to achieve the financial progress we want in 2012?
  • Did we stick to the budget this year?
  • Are we on track on our annual financial plan that we set at the beginning of the year?

These questions will help us make an assessment of how we did this year, and map out an aggressive plan to of debt next year.

I would suggest you come up with such questions that will guide you, as you review your financial progress for this ending year.

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1 thought on “Taking A Household Financial Inventory”

  1. Hi Joe. First of all, congratulations on the greatest blessing you could ever have. A child is a wonderful gift, and I pray your newest lives a prosperous and long life.

    Your points have inspired me. I am going into my office and writing your questions on my white board. There is nothing like accountability to inspire positive behaviour. My wife is going to love the fact that I made the effort visible. Thanks for the inspiration!

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