Living With Room-Mate(s)

Are you getting along?
Yesterday’s post i wrote about getting a room mate as one option to cut on rent bill, and i had an opportunity to reflect on  the moments i had room-mates. For me, it was one of the best social experiences i have had; where i got a chance to meet new people who i connected with as brothers and have developed a lifelong friendship.

Not all room-mate experiences end up like mine. I have heard some scary and frightening room-mates stories that have been parched into people’s memory for life. If you are planning to get a room-mate to help you cut your rental bill, here are some few helpful tips that might make you get along well.

 Do not get stranger- this is applicable if you are living in a community where you know a lot of people, or in a dorm where you now most of your class mates. Living with someone you know bring with it a sense of security and assurance. But can also hinder you from getting to know new people.

 Get some house rules- This issue is the greatest enemy of room-mates life. Agree on some shared basic rules on living together. How do you cook? Who buy the food? Who clean the dishes? What if you share bathroom? Who cleans up? What is the noise threshold? What about stay-over guests? All these and other questions need to be answered or dealt with by you and your roommate(s) if you plan on living together. Better to do it earlier than later.

 Pay your bills in time- Understand and own your share of financial responsibility. Pay all the necessary bills and dues in time. You are expected to do this even if you do not have a room-mate. If the utilities are disconnected for non-payment it affects all persons sharing those resources.

 Respect each other- By giving each other’s space clean after yourself especially in the common areas like the kitchen. Be considerate for example; do not play loud music while your roommate is trying to study. If you have different schedules, be sure to pass along each others messages in a timely manner.

 Make it formal- Most apartment homes allow shared lease, where all the names of the unit occupants are listed on the lease agreement. This is very important to protect each other from legal liabilities that may arise.

 Be friendly- Living with people involve some ‘give and take’, so be prepared to give up some (of course not all) of your preferences, but you will have an opportunity to  make new friend(s). You have to be willing.

 “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!”(Psalms 133:1)

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